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October Mood ’20

all images and their original sources can be found here

It’s kind of crazy to think that’s it’s already October.  Thanksgiving is just over a month away, I’ve got Christmas gifts and Holiday planning on my mind and it feels like March was just yesterday.  Does anyone else feel like…

September Mood ’20

This September feels bitter sweet. 

For the past two years we’ve typically been traveling at some point in September.  Last year it was Italy, the year before Bali, this year, had it not been for the travel ban, we probably would have planned another trip to Europe.  As each month…

July Mood ’20

“Self-love means that I have a relationship with myself built on trust and loyalty. I trust myself to have my own back, so my allegiance is to the voice within.”

~ Glennon Doyle

On The Calendar

With travel by plane pretty much on hold, I’ve been brainstorming more local road…

March Mood ’20

Hello March! And with that a little bit more sunshine and slightly warmer temps in Portland. 

In years past I’ve never really noticed the arrival of March.  In the past March and February always blurred together.  The weather was pretty much the same here in Portland – rainy, grey and…

February Mood ’20

“Build someone up. Put their insecurities to sleep. Remind them they’re worthy. Tell them they’re incredible. Be a light in a too often dim world. ”

~The Homebody Club

February is always a brighter {despite the weather} month for me because it’s my birthday month {!!}.  Usually we try to…