April Mood ’20

April mood

I know it’s the last day of April and I am just now posting this, but to be honest, April has felt like a blur.  I feel like I spent most of this month adjusting to the new normal and riding my emotional waves.  Rather than give myself a hard time for it, I’m simply going to let it be.


For some reason I’ve found comfort in reading during this quarantine time.  More so than I normally do.  Perhaps it’s because I tend to lean towards feel good stories that help me escape from our modern day reality or because there’s something comforting about curling up with a cup of tea in bed and reading a few chapters.  Either way, I’ve got a stack of books that I’m making my way through.  I started reading Normal People a few weeks ago and I’m l-o-v-i-n-g it {definitely need to order Sally Rooney’s other book}.  It’s a short read, but by no means short on substance.  I highly recommend it.  Next up is A Gentleman In Moscow. 

On The Calendar

Ha – what calendar?  

Jokes aside though we are keeping ourselves busy at home.  We’ve been taking on more house and creative projects and keeping our social calendar full-ish with digital happy hours and catchups. 

Inspired By 

Interiors of all sorts!  Ever since I discovered Ashley Kane, my passion for interior design and architecture has been re-ignited.  I’m finally getting around to reading Athena Calderon’s new book Living Beautifully and finding so much inspiration in it.  Instead of using over-the-top theories about design to get her point across, she talks to you like you’re at her home having a cup of tea on the patio. 

I’ve also found myself inspired by the my time at home.  I know that sounds counterintuitive because everyone is going bonkers being cooped up at home all day, but hear me out on this!  I’ve found that I have much less FOMO right now because let’s be real, no one is going out and everyone is at home. I’m finding that as a result I have less of an inner battle between doing the things that I want to do at home and “getting out”.  Don’t get me wrong, I am longing for the days of strolling around the city, popping into shops and enjoying a glass of wine at our favorite wine bar, but with everything shut down, I’ve been able to dive into more some side projects that have been gathering dust without my inner extrovert tugging at my pant leg to go out. 

On My List

All things loungewear, sleep wear and basics.  Shortly after the shelter in place order started I realized that my loungewear collection is abysmal {like way too many old college clothes that have holes that really should be donated relative to grown up comfy clothes abysmal} and that I didn’t have nearly enough basics that I can wear around the house.  This is definitely a longer term project, but I’m slowly chipping away at my wishlist as I see sales pop up and items get restocked.



April 27, 2020



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