July Mood ’20

July 2020 moodboard

“Self-love means that I have a relationship with myself built on trust and loyalty. I trust myself to have my own back, so my allegiance is to the voice within.”

~ Glennon Doyle

On The Calendar

With travel by plane pretty much on hold, I’ve been brainstorming more local road trips for August in the Fall. Oregon has so many natural wonders that I still haven’t checked out and I’ve lived in the area for more than 5 years. Two place that I told myself I needed to visit are Crater Lake {I’ve heard it’s absolutely breathtaking} and the Oregon Coast. We’ve also been entertaining the idea of a month long road trip through Northern California, perhaps to Lake Tahoe, with a pit stop in both California and Oregon wine country. It’s practically on the way right?


I was doing my best to finish A Gentleman In Moscow before starting another book, but as soon as I read the summary for Untamed by Glennon Doyle I knew I had to read it ASAP. I feel like this is one of those books that every woman should read in her lifetime. It highlights, what I feel so many women {and I personally have experienced} go through in some form or another – losing herself to an ideal, a system and/or belief of what she “needs” to be in order to be successful, loved, accepted…{the list goes on and on} by others. I cannot recommend this book enough and I’m only half way through.

“What the world needs is more women who have quit fearing themselves and started trusting themselves. What the world needs is masses of women who are entirely out of control.”

Glennon Doyle

Inspired By and To Do

Whenever I stumble upon the question “what inspires you?” my first instinctual answer is always: female entrepreneurs and creatives owning their genius and talents and creating their lives, and businesses, on their own terms. Lately, it’s been creatives, either in the blogging or photography world that have been inspiring me as of late, particularly Helen-Jayne and Style and Structure {major self-photography goals}, Ashley Kane, Jessica Harris, Monikh Dale, Chrissy Ford, Olivia Lopez, Karisa and The Style Idealist and India and The India Edit.

Meditate – just be.  I’ve noticed that I love to consume content, and sometimes, when it comes to my own content whether it’s my business or on my blog, I can get so distracted by what everyone else is doing that I lose the connection with my own deep knowing. I like to think I have a pretty good intuition and gut instinct, but when I’m wrapped up in the external world or running at a million miles a minute, there’s too much noise to hear what that little voice inside me is saying. Recently I’ve started taking just a few minutes out of a my day to sit on the floor by my bed, close my eyes and breath for a few minutes and it’s had such a calming and grounding affect on me.


I never in a million years thought I would say this, but I’m actually tired of cooking. I have zero, ok maybe more like 10%, motivation to create in the kitchen. We’ve stuck to the same rotation of recipes, which recently has been kale salads, chopped salads, falafel salads and veggie-loaded pasta’s and mixed in a few nights of Daily Harvest and much more takeout than usual. I think I have Tusk, Joule and Feel Good PDX saved as VIP contacts at this point. We’ve also been loving Summer wine season and enjoying lots of Soter and Marigny wines outside.

All images can be found here.





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