February ’23 Mood

aesthetic moodboard

Getting this out a little later than usual, but such is life!   Given how late we are in the month I will keep this short and sweet without leaving out life updates and juicy internet finds. 

This month started off in Mexico getting some sun on our skin and warmth in my bones.  It was the perfect cherry on top to a month of focusing on recalibrating for the new year.   In January I focused (to the best of my abilities) on starting the year off slow.  Rather than put my head down and power into another year, I decided to give myself the grace to do nothing, to not produce or work towards any of my goals (again, to the best of my abilities – there’s only so much Capricorn energy that I can ignore haha).  It was exactly what I needed.  As I moved into February I could feel myself start to thaw – start to come back to life, and get excited to create and tackle the new year. 

February has always felt more like a beginning than January.  I think a big part of that is because it’s my birthday month, but also because it’s usually the time of year when I start to see the very beginning of winter turning to spring.  It’s still very much so still winter here, but I can see spring percolating beneath the surface – ever so slightly warmer temps, longer days, a few more breaks in the clouds – which is a welcome change after a very dark and wet winter.  

I’ve spent a good chunk of this month celebrating (hello 35 – more on that below) and planning for the year which has mostly meant scheming up trips, casually perusing LA rentals, and brainstorming what I want to explore as a creative.  I have a feeling next month I’ll be chomping at the bit to get moving on a few things, but I’ve really been enjoying this gradual start to the year.  In years past I’ve never allowed myself so much time to a) rest and b) feel into the state of my universe, but absolutely want to make it a priority as I move through the rest of the year. 



On the Calendar

If I didn’t drop enough hints already then yes February is my birthday month.  I turned 35, which, tbh, came with a lot of feels.  I remember waking up on the day of and feeling old.  Not that getting older is bad, it just felt different – like the reality of how many years I’ve been around really sunk in.  It really felt like I was entering a whole new era, more so than it did when I turned 30.  

Anywho, we kicked off the month in Cabo which was both a warm weather escape and a little birthday trip.  Outside of a few cloudy, chilly days, it was perfect.  The birthday festivities continued with dinner with Chris and an old time favorite – Tusk, and a family dinner at our wedding venue – Cooper’s Hall.  I was exhausted, but with a full heart by the end of the weekend.  

The middle of the month has been pretty chill, but we’re heading to the east coast this weekend to celebrate another February birthday and I cannot wait! 


Manifest by Roxie Nafousi – between instagram and my email this book popped up several times in one week and I took it as a sign that it should be on my nightstand.  I’m only in the first chapter, but it’s incredibly easy to read and understand.  I don’t know if it’s because I have dabbled in learning about manifestation or if it’s how it’s written, but it feels less like a 7 step process and more like a lifestyle.

The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin – I listed to this podcast with Rick Rubin and resonated with so much of what he mentioned that I decided to order his book.  It reminds me of Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert which I absolutely loved and would highly recommend! 

On My Radar

Spring is in the air! Actually, it not even close to being in the air in Portland, but it’s percolating – I can feel it.  I think our Mexico trip got me excited to breath some new life into my spring summer wardrobe most notably bags.  I’ve been coming across so many good woven totes, shoulder bags and clutches the past week or so. 

Cloebella – this brand has popped up on my feed a few times, but this time their handbag collection really caught my eye. So many beautiful woven bags and totes that are perfect for spring and summer.  I love how this tote feels warm weather without screaming it’s a beach bag. 

KAYU – I have one clutch from them, but they’ve always been on my radar!  I love their woven clutches with organize stones as clasps.  Makes the perfect clutch in the warmer months or for vacation. 

Bembien – they’ve been on my radar for a few years now.  They always have the perfect assortment of woven handbags. 

p.s. all images and their original sources can be found here.

February 24, 2023



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