One For The Books

2019 was a whirlwind. Honestly, part of it was a complete shit show.  It was stressful, jam packed, and at times down right exhausting.  There were tears, some emotional breakdowns and moments of WTF am I doing, but ultimately it was a year of bold growth and transition – something that I knew that I wanted walking into 2019.  If there is one thing that 2019 taught me, it’s that life is mine to take. No one can create the life that I want except me. 

Let’s rewind through the year.

We traveled a ton.  It was as if someone had said to me this is the last year that you can travel for 10 years because I wanted to go everywhere. We basically lived in Europe for 3 weeks {which I loved and not so secretly wish we could do more often}, spent two weeks in Australia and New Zealand, a long weekend in Iceland, and managed to squeeze in Hawaii, Newport, Pheonix, LA, San Francisco, Seattle, and even NYC and Baltimore before finishing up the year in Bend with friends.  It was kind of insane {especially when I see it all listed out like that} when I look back on it, but it the best ways possible.

Despite all our travels though, the most pivotal point of 2019 for me was leaving my very comfortable job at adidas and launching a performance underwear line. I spent the first 6 months of 2019 working through many subconscious beliefs about success and “where I should be” at 31 years old before I had the courage to actually leave my job. And while entrepreneur and start-up life certainly has its difficulties, I couldn’t be happier.

Why I’m Not Setting Resolutions

As I approached 2020 and scrolled through post after post about 2019 and everyone’s 2020 goals, I couldn’t help but notice that I didn’t have a burning desire to snuggle up with my journal and pour out my intentions for the coming year. So I didn’t.

Sure I still have goals that I want to accomplish and new skills that I want to learn this year, but the idea of writing a laundry list of intentions just felt like one more task on an already long to do list.  A big part of me wanted to take a hot minute and just be.

Time For An Upgrade

I recently saw an Instagram post by Valeria Lipovetsy that so perfectly captured how I was feeling heading into 2020.  

“I’m not setting any 2020 resolutions. I want to try a new way of living life…allowing myself to be spontaneous. Instead of responding to how I think I should be, this year, this year I want to upgrade the beliefs I have about who I’m and who I am not, and the choice I make based on those beliefs. This year I want to consciously ask myself on a daily basis “What am I here for?”, “What do I stand for?” What am I here to learn?”and What am I here to enjoy?” This year is about freedom.”

If 2019 was the year that my wobbly knees clicked and my feet fell firmly under me, then 2020 is the year I straighten my back and say allow me to reintroduce myself. 

I want to intentionally make decisions and live my life in a way that fills me up instead of making me small. 

When I think about 2020, the words that come to mind are intention and mindfulness {despite their trendy popularity right now}. In 2020 I want to continue to shed any subconscious limiting beliefs and stand in who I am and what I have to offer.  I want to step outside the arbitrary box that I’ve been living in and stretch my wings a bit – try new things, think bigger, be bigger. 

If you’re reading this and feeling the same way, but don’t know where to start, you’re not alone. I’ve been there. I’ve put together a few tips that have really helped me over the past year that I will continue to employ this year and years to come.  I also really liked Jacey Duprie’s blog post on creating a bright future.

ferry from Ischia to Capri

Be Intentional With Your Time

Put simply, don’t do shit for the sake of doing it. Life’s too short. Pay attention to how you feel as you go about your daily life. Does something light you up? Leave you feeling exhausted? Is it serving you? If it’s not, then let-it-go.

Deal With Your Shit

No one ever got anywhere without evolving. Ever wonder why you do the things that you do or react the way that you do in certain situations? Often times it’s because of something that happened to us when we were younger. Over the past 6 years I’ve spent more time diving deep into understand myself. For me, this meant finding out what my limiting beliefs are and where they came from.

For example, when I was younger my Dad traveled a ton for work and therefore wasn’t home as much as I would have liked. As a result I subconsciously believe that I wasn’t enough {enough for him to want to be home vs. working}. Later in life I found myself constantly picking men that were either “bad boys”, emotionally unavailable or narcissist. When I realized the connection I was more or less {with some work} able reprogram myself and manifest a partner that is far from that.

This has been such a game changer for me. Especially over the past year as I have been more deeply working through my insecurities. If this is speaking to you, I highly recommend Dr. Joe Dispenza {I’m currently reading Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself} and Lacy Phillips work. I’ve also found Jenna Zoe’s work with human design both inspiring and empowering.

Day Dream Awhile

This is one of my favorite things to do. If you’ve never asked yourself what you want your life to look like – this year, next year, in 10 years – now is the time to do it. Notice what comes up and reflect on if you’re living in alignment with what your striving for. I love dreaming up what my life could look like and sharing it with friends and family.

Unplug For A Minute

I’m not talking about binging on Netflix or taking an hour scroll through your feed. Take a hot bath, read in silence, go out in nature, sit and listen to music…without your phone. We live in a very digital world which, at times, can be draining. When I take time to unplug I feel like my whole nervous system gets a break. My eyes don’t hurt as much, I sleep better, I am less anxious and overall feel more grounded.

Don’t Take Life Too Seriously

An oldie but a goodie. Life is meant to be lived – experienced. Embrace laughter. Love deep. Be bold and help others. There is so much potential in this world, we just have to open our eyes, and our arms, to it.

Wishing you a happy and fulfilled New Year!



Would love to hear what you are whipping up for the New Year! Intentions, resolutions, goals? Share below!



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