Wine Tasting In Portland

Last weekend was the perfect weekend for wine tasting – 70 degrees, clear blue skies, and tons of sunshine.

The goal was to check off our to-do list: decide on curtain and couch colors, price out options, pick up camera lens; and then drive down to wine country for some wine tasting before the wineries closed at 4pm {some close at 5pm}. Sadly, we did not make it to wine tasting, but fear not, we still got our wine.

Instead, we decided to stop at Dame {they exclusively serve natural wines} for a glass of wine. Come to find out they were hosting Holden Wines and offering a tasting of four of their wines – two whites, a skin-contact {aka an orange wine} and a red. We walked out with two bottles. Probably a good thing that we didn’t make it down to wine country…



May 27, 2019



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