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October Mood ’20

all images and their original sources can be found here

It’s kind of crazy to think that’s it’s already October.  Thanksgiving is just over a month away, I’ve got Christmas gifts and Holiday planning on my mind and it feels like March was just yesterday.  Does anyone else feel like…

July Mood ’20

“Self-love means that I have a relationship with myself built on trust and loyalty. I trust myself to have my own back, so my allegiance is to the voice within.”

~ Glennon Doyle

On The Calendar

With travel by plane pretty much on hold, I’ve been brainstorming more local road…

Stocking Up For Staying In

With everything that’s going on in the world right now, I’ve been feeling rather helpless. I’ve been wanting to help people, but don’t know what to do other than donate, share information, and do my part in staying home and self isolating. Then I realized {as one…