March Mood ’23

march moodboard

Spring is in the air!  

Well, not really, but it definitely is in my head.  It’s still very chilly in Portland, but mentally I’m prepping for spring.  I feel like I needed the first few months of the year to rest and recalibrate before hitting go on the year.  This month I’ve already felt my energy and gumption come back to life and I’m excited to get to it!  I’m not only feeling the seasonal urge to clean out and clean up around the house and in my closet (an utter disaster *eye roll*) but also inspiration to add a few more decorative touches to our condo.  Even though we’re wanting to move within the next 6 months, I’ve realized that I am SO affected by my surroundings.  They impacts m mood, my creativity, and probably my mental state and ability to focus. I’m going to take a strategic approach to it, but nonetheless am excited to peruse my home finds folder and inspiration on Pinterest. 

That was the first week of March.  This past week I’ve felt so uninspired and frustrated.  It could just be the natural eb and flow of creativity, but it’s felt like such a creative rut.  Like, “everything that I create is crap, nothing looks good, I don’t know what I’m doing, what’s the point of it all, what do I want to do with my life” kind of rut.  Apparently this is very common for creatives, however new for me.    What I’m learning as I continue down this more creative career (compared to my many years in eComm, buying and merchandising) is that sometimes my creativity needs space – space to get inspired, space to play, space to marinate.  In someways it’s like a fire, when stoked consistently and given enough room to breath, my creativity and ability to view the world through a more artistic lens, will roar for hours, but left untended and it will dwindle to embers. 

I came across a quote the other day (probably on one of my Pinterest scrolls) that put this all in perspective for me. 

“I believe in process. I believe in four seasons. I believe that winter’s tough, but spring’s coming. I believe that there’s a growing season. And I think that you realize that in life, you grow. You get better.” – Steve Southerland

A good reminder that some things take time – we’re always growing, improving. Rather than wallow in my creative rut I decided to cut myself some slack (another new concept for me).  Instead I’ve been focusing my time on admin and carving out time to get inspired – scroll Pinterest, jot down ideas, peruse some vintage shops etc. and move towards what peaks my interest.  Lately it’s home and spring style so expect new things in the coming weeks! 



I was to spend time this month being more diligent about how I spend my time.  Specially add some structure around not only when I’m working, but what I’m working on.  I think have a little too much freedom in my schedule is making me inefficient in someway because my mind is always moving 80,000 miles a minute thinking about what I need to do or “should” be doing.  I think setting up designated time blocks, or days, to focus on one type of task or project will help me focus and ultimately create the space that I mentioned above and have been craving lately. 


This month is pretty low key for me (not so much Chris – lots of work travel) so I’m planning to focus my time cleaning out and organizing our house (potentially making some strategic decor purchases) and firming up some travel plans for April and this summer. I’m currently on Bainbridge Island visiting my Mom which has been such a lovely break from the city.  I’m hoping that when Chris gets back we can make it down to wine country to pick up our wine from Soter and then there’s a medium size chance that we’ll make it to NYC at the end of the month – TBD. 


Chris and I are so guilty of sticking to the same recipes that we know and love, which, on one hand makes things easy during the week, but on the other hand, contributes to the week feeling more like a grind.  We’ve been cracking into our stack of cookbooks to test out new recipes.  I’ve been loving both of Sarah Britton’s cookbooks – My New Roots and Naturally Nourished, and just purchase one of Laura Wright’s cookbooks.  One of our favorite recipes is by her. 

Things of Note

I’m testing out a new platform called ShopMy to house all of my tried and true favorites.  It’s similar to LikeItToKnowIt, but a little easier to navigate for certain types of edits.   I’m also able to link everything, even the stuff from small independent brands regardless of if there’s an affiliate kickback, which is an absolute game-changer.  For now,  I’m using it to house my tried and true favorites.  Think – my skincare ride or dies, hair products and tools I use, items I personally own and wear on repeat, and go-to jewels.  

Stumbled upon Ninety Percent and noticed they’ve had a little glow up.  They’ve always been a great resource for elevated basics produced and manufactured in a more sustainable way.  A few favorites below! 

If there’s one thing I’m a sucker for it’s tailoring, specifically silk tailoring, which has had my eye lately!  Imo they are such a smart of investment because they can be worn in a multitude of ways and come off a bit more feminine than a more traditional suiting material.  I love love love Wyeth’s new silk blazer and trousers (it’s really taking every ounce of me not to purchase) as well as Anine Bings off-white blazer and trousers (also a great option for brides to be!). 

March 3, 2023



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