September Mood ’22

september mood and intentions

Better late than never!  This month has been a bit of a whirlwind so this will be short and sweet.  That being said I have a bevy of travel and fall style posts on deck that I’m hoping to get up over the next few weeks. 

September always feels like a bit of a transitional month.  With Labor Day, back to school, the days getting shorter, and the fall equinox at the end of the month it feels like a natural end to summer and gentle introduction to fall.  In years past we’ve always been traveling.  September has always been our favorite time to travel international because the weather is still warm, there are less crowds, and prices are every so slightly lower (more if it’s towards the end of the month). 

This month we happened to be home for a good chunk of September.  My brother got married in LA a few weeks into the month, which is where we’ve been since, but before that we spent all our time in Portland. While it was nice to get some much needed downtime and tend to a few unfinished projects, I missed traveling! We get such a short (albeit beautiful) summer in the PNW, but it’s never enough for me. I realized those end of September trips are the perfect way squeeze every ounce out of summer. Either way, it’s been a nice change of pace this year and getting to experience chilly mornings and the sun sitting a little lower in the sky has me extra excited for fall and it’s respective clothes and activities.




Over the past few months I feel like I’ve had more moments of feeling pretty low, often in the form of feeling pretty lost with respect to my career and at times lonely.  I’m also very aware that I have a tendency to be pretty hard on myself so this month I focused on both giving myself grace and showing myself more compassion when I’m struggling.  

On The Calendar

We had a very busy September!  We spent the first half of the month in Portland, working on the condo, catching up on work and reorganizing our storage unit so that we could optimize our space in the condo.  The second half we headed down to LA for my brother’s wedding which was absolutely beautiful!  They had a small ceremony and reception with close friends and family at a private home that they rented for the evening.  It was perfection.  We’ve been in LA ever since (we head back at the end of the month) outside of a quick weekend trip to NYC for a good friends bachelorette.   Even though I’m definitely pooped from a lot of travel and group activities I wouldn’t have had it any other way.  It was so good to see and spend time with friends and family that I haven’t seen for 3+ years!

Things of Note

Continuing on my quest to infuse a little more European charm (and inspiration) in our home, I picked up this book at the beginning of the month to flip through in the morning with my juice. Perfect way to start the day! 

I’ve had an obsession with SIR the label knit dresses for years and I finally picked up this one when I saw it on sale (I swear SSENSE has the best, often sneaky, sales).  I’m in love! 

I recently started a Pinterest board (might play around with Nate as well for this) to help me organize my fall/winter wishlist.  While I love my Note’s App for on the go, I’ve found that picking out specific pieces and saving them in a spat where I can visually see them helps me prioritize what I buy and when.  The Note’s App helps me get all my thoughts down, where as the Pinterest board helps me curate and prioritize.  Here is the link in case you are curious.  Fair warning I update it regularly and am always adding/deleting off of it! 

All images and their original sources are save here.

September 3, 2022



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