July Mood ’21

July Mood '21

Hello July!  

I still can’t really wrap my head around the fact that it is more than half way through the year…it’s bringing up all the feels for me!  I feel like it was just yesterday that we celebrated New Years at home whilst navigating a global pandemic.  Outside of sharing my feelings at the onset of COVID last year, I haven’t spoken much about the effects that the past year has had on me.  I very much so felt that my experience, while still valid, was marginal in comparison to what I’ve seen others go through.  That being said, I’d be lying if I said it was all sunshine and roses over here.   

The transition to post-COVID-ish life has been more difficult that I thought it would be and rather eye-opening. When COVID happened, my life more or less started to revolve around work, eating, and consuming content in various forms.  Slowly, and probably unconsciously, I went from making the best of the situation to just surviving and accepting a new norm, and as a result busied myself in projects and things that would make me “feel productive”.  Maybe it was coping, or numbing-out from the reality of the world, either way, I unintentionally put all of my zest for life, and aspirations of future adventures on a shelf and slowly forgot about them as they gathered dust.

When the world started re-opening though, and more people got vaccinated, I began to feel life’s pulse again; the one that I usually feel during the first few days of nice weather after winter or when I go on vacation after a big push at work.  I began to remember the explorer and dreamer in me; the things I wanted to do and experience and the people that I wanted to see and spend time with before pre-COVID.  At the same time, I began to see how complacent I had gotten with just surviving with my situation; how lonely and perhaps even unfulfilled I’ve felt over the past year, and how aspects of the life that I had adapted to were no longer serving me.   

Needless to say, I’m processing some bigger realizations that have come up for me as the world has been re-opening. I’ve been doing some behind the scenes reflecting that I have been reluctant to share as I untangle and digest it, but hope to share more of as I understand it. It’s a transition and we’re all figure it out as we go! One piece of wisdom that I will share {albeit sometimes difficult in practice} that has been helpful for me through all of this is that, our lives — our experience, are what we create; and what we create is often a result of what we perceive and act based upon.  We all have the power to create something new every moment of every day through our choices, intentions and a fierce commitment to ourselves.  

I’m super excited about Summer, and eager to get back to dreaming up and exploring life in a more creative way than I have before.  We have some fun activities planned this month with friends and family and are dusting off off our suitcases in hopes of traveling in the near future which I cannot wait for, but more to come on that later!  Wishing you all a happy, health and safe July! xx

On The Calendar

It finally feels like our social calendar is picking back up – something I’m very excited about given how much time I spend at home…alone.  Chris’s birthday is at the beginning of the month and a family BBQ to celebrate the weekend after.  I’ve also been tasked with making a gluten-free vegan cheesecake for the birthday boy.  I used to make raw vegan ones all the time years ago, but I’m going to try to find a more traditional bake version that I can test out.  This recipe looks like a winner!

We’re also planning on doing some wine tasting this month when my family is in town!  We’ve mostly been going to Soter every time we drive down to wine country because we’re members there and the setting is simply beautiful, but I’m eager to try some new wineries – there are so many!  We have tastings planned for Rex Hill and Domaine Roy & fils, both of which have been on my radar for some time. 

This month we’re also moving into the condo – actually this time.  We had it cleaned last week and even though we don’t have dressers, or much of the furniture that we want, we’re eager to get moved and get back to living without the “moving project” looming over our heads.  Wish me luck! 


Old Travel & Leisure magazines – As I was cleaning out our media cabinet in our TV room, I discovered that I have almost 3 years {!!!} worth of Travel & Leisure magazines, which, are fun to leaf back through when I’m looking for travel inspiration, but not realistic to hold on to long term.   I’ve been spending a lot more time reading through old issues to decide if I want to keep or donate them all the while getting me super excited to go over seas again! 

On My List

I’ve had my eye on this clutch for almost a year and have been seeing it pop on and off sale on Net-A-Porter and Farfetch!

I have a slip dress from Vince that has been my little-black-slip-dress for a while now, but I’m in the market for one that gives me a little bit more shape, hugs me in all the right places and maybe has a draped neckline.  I found this one, but I’ve never purchased from this brand before and am cautious to pull the trigger on it!

This tank is one of my all time favorite tanks.  I snagged the white one sale last year and fell in love as soon as I tried it on.  It’s definitely pricey for a tank top, but soo worth it to me; especially after having so many cotton tops fall flat, or completely apart, after a few wears and washes.  This one holds it shape really well {even after wearing it and washing it} is made with organic cotton, and is super soft. Keeping my eyes peeled for a grey and brown

Loving these Studio Amelia black strappy heels for Summer.

As I was perusing my closet the other day for a top, I realized a lot of the short sleeve or sleeveless tops are t-shirts, tank tops, or in the form of a dress.  I haven’t found many yet, but I’m keeping my eye out short sleeve and sleeveless tops like this Tove one that I can dress up and dress down and aren’t so trendy that I’ll be tired of it after two seasons.  



P.S. All images and their original sources can be found here.

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